E-Tax Solutions: #taxes2020 #taxes
What is ETAX ?
Since 2012, the Thai Revenue Department (“RD”) has had a policy of supporting the preparation and delivery of electronic tax invoices (“e-tax invoices”) or electronic receipts (“e-receipts”) to support electronic transactions in the private sector and to increase the efficiency of electronic services (“e-services”) of the government.
How to submit ETAX invoice to RD ?
There are rules, procedures, and conditions specified in the RD regulations. For a brief explanation; E-tax invoices and e-receipts are issued with a digital signature and an XML file that meet RD’s criteria (if not met, the files will be rejected) and must be submitted to the RD by uploading XML files in RD website. Normally the documents that RD receive will be as follows; - Tax invoice - Receipt - Credit Note (issued to decrease the debt) - Debit Note (issued to increase the debt)
E-Tax by CODIUM provides a time saving automation solutions for submitting taxes to the Thai Department of Revenue via email. We have several companies already using this software and have shown that it can be integrated seamlessly with SAP Business One (as well as other) accounting software. The software can auto submit all of the correct documents to the department of revenue every month via email.
Our E-tax current customers include: Huawai, SB-furniture, Siam@Siam, Homepro, DV, Dplus, BNG, Thai Samsung, BCH, PVP, SCB-BCM, Thai Insurance, Chodthanawat, Foodie, Ruamwattana, Piyamata, Eastern Sugar & Cane, Sakon Sathapat, JD Central, T2P, IQVIA, VS Chem, L.P.N. Development, Petronas, Kemrex, Wealth On Wellness, Gojek, Thai Reinsurance, Pezy Online.
#accounting #automation #automation #software #business #sap #development
#webapplication #webappdevelopment #applicationservices #taxhelp #taxexpert